Thursday, December 15, 2011

Flash! News from Botswana

It sure feels good to be setting at a computer again able to communicate with everyone.  Its amazing to me that 11 years ago I was sure if I touched a button on the computer I'd break it for sure.  I am still new at the Blogs but am learning.  I will try to get some pictures inserted this time.   The picture above is in Kagiso South Africa  I'm amazed the picture showed up where Ii wanted it to.
This is some of our friends in Kagiso
This is Tulane  He is one of the young men
in Kagiso that helped us learn where everyone stayed in Kagiso 10 years ago.  He went on a mission
and is serving in the Stake Presidency of the Soweto Stake. 

Now back to Botwana!  We have been driving out to our area's everyday which is about 50 miles one way over a 2 lane road full of erractic drivers, donkeys, goats and Baboon's.  We have decided if we want to make it home alive in 18 months we'd better move closer to our area.  We have found a house in Lobatse  that we can live in, we are just waiting for the lease approval from  Johannesburg to finalize everything.  We are planning on moving next Tuesday if everything goes right.  Which it never does.
We have been to two Christmas parties in the two branches one picture will be of Larry posing as Santa. 

We have met some very interesting people, one is Elder Colonji he is our Zone leader he is from the DAR (Congo)  He is an outstanding leader  He told us that when he came on Mission he couldn't speak any English.  In the MTC in Johannesburg they just handed him a dictionary and he set in the corner with the dictionary.  I asked "How long did it take you to speak English/"  The answer "About 3 weeks"   He speaks excellent English.

Another Zone leader from Zambia bore his testimony and told of the accident he had as a 12 year old  He was digging a hole by the river with 3 of his friends when the sides collasped on him and his friends.  They weren't found for three days.  Two of his friends had already died before they were found .  He was taken from the hole and spent the next 7 months in the hospital.   His feet are very misshapen.  He walks carefully on the side of his ankles.  At the conclusion of his testimony he said "I am thankful for my accident if it wouldn't have happened I'd have never found the gospel."

We are so thankful for the gospel and our family and friends, because we know you are there it makes us possible to serve so far from you all.  We appreciate every email that we get.  It is like Manna from heaven .  thank you.
Love Elder and Sister Moss


  1. I love the pictures. The picture of "Santa" makes me smile. I love reading your blog!

  2. It's hard keeping up with you!!!! Wishing you much love from my family...Steph

  3. Dad makes an excellent Santa! Ha ha. So cute, made me smile. Love that you feel "at home" and that you are moving closer...I have heard the roads are crazy there! Thank you for pointing me to your blog and for sharing your inspiring stories.

    Have a warm Merry Christmas!


  4. I am so happy you are in Botswana!! When I was in Brussels Belgium, my companion and I taught the Botwanan ambasssador to Belgium all six discussions in the beautiful Botswanan embassy in downtown Brussels. I will have to look in my journal and get her full name. She was very open to the gospel. How happy we are for you!! Also, for Christmas we "adopted" (sponsored) two Uganadan girls who go to Liahona High School and grammar school in Uganda. Even though they are not LDS, they are receiving an LDS education at Liahona High School. The school is not church sponsored, but it is run by a local LDS member, who named in Liahona High. We are buying both families several goats and Aspen and the kids are excited to be pen pals. We already have their bio info and photographs of their pretty smiles. I just wish I were there, but I know there are times and seasons. Take care, Love, the Hassells

  5. I am using Aspen's account ... actually it is Melissa who wrote the above comment.

  6. How fun to read about your visit to Joburg! I envy you being in such a great place. and seeing old friends that you taught. We never have felt like we could go again, but I wish we would have. You have brought back fun memories of when we met you at the MTC and then ended up in the same place! I will love following your blog. You are very brave. I remember the baboons along the road in Botswana.

  7. Fun that you have been to Botswana. While I was in NYC this past spring I had an internship working for the LDS Public and International Affairs office. I had to plan the UN Ambassadors picnic on Governor's Island. Part of my duties was to send out invitations for the event, and had contact with the UN Ambassador's wife. I don't have my list in front of me - otherwise I would tell you her name. She was a lovely woman - so full of energy and life.
