Monday, January 9, 2012

Finally another post!

access to the internet has been real spotty!  Today I am in the Branch presidents office on his computer.  He is a kind man to allow me into the intersanctum for a while so I can let everyone know how we are and what we arre doing. 

We have moved into the new house here in Lobotse.  It is an unusal house in that we have 13 closets in our bedroom.  With locks on everyone!  There is a large yard surrounded by dirt with the maid quarters in the very back of the yard.  I told them I didn't need the maid quarters since I am the maid!  There are large trees all around us  which is great for two bird watchers.  So far we have had some unusual guests.  the first was a hornbill that flew into the kitchen checked out Elder Moss and flew out again.  The next visitor was a bat flipping around the room.  We shut the door and didn't open it again until the next day.  He had vanished!
Then there has been 3 fat frogs which we picked up and threw outside!! 

A couple of days before Christmas we went caroling with the Kanye Branch and the missionaries.  It was probably about the nicest thing we did during the holidays.  We walked through neighborhoods and sang to every house that had an open gate.  I really felt as I walked to each humble house and sang the songs telling about Christ's birth that I was really at the ends of the earth publishing the news that Christ was born!  We sang to many different people but our favorites were the older people whose faces told of the hard lives they had lived and to see them wrinkle into a smile with an added light to their eyes.

Christmas day Elder Moss and I spoke in the Kanye Branch then drove home to Lobotse (45 K).  I fixed dinner for six missionaries from Kanye and Lobotse our Zone.  They were all so excited to get their calls from home.  Each had emailed what time to call.  As it got close to their call they would pace around the room checking every minute that went by.  Some parents didn't call right on schedule which was a let down.
I had no idea how important those calls were to our missionaries.

I also got a ticket on the way back to Lobotse...I was going 92 K in a 80 K spot.  The reason I am mentioning this is because I really liked the cop.  I told him I was going to Lobotse to fix dinner for the missionaries..his response, "I wish I could come and have some american food."  I invited him but he was on duty at the time!  Then he told me his dream was to come to america and be a farmer.  And then he sang me his favortie christmas song!!  I hope I see him again when he isn't on duty.

I need to tell you about the Relief Society President in kanye.  She is probably about 30 years old.  Anyway in RS the lesson was on the atonement..She told us that after she joined the church 6 months ago she was trying to understand how Christ had taken on all our sins, she finally decided it was like a dry sponge put into a bowl of dirty water the sponge soaks up all the water and the bowl is clean.  Then she went on to say "Then I was wondering why Christ had to be sinless to take upon him our sins I again thought of the sponge if you put a partically wet sponge into that same bowl of water it will not soak up all of the water."   Christ had to be sinless.

Last Sunday we were in Lobotse for church.  there was a little lady setting there who doesn't speak much english.  She had a baby boy on her lap.  I gave her a that picutre by Lis Swindle Lemon of Christ with the African baby in his arms.  I wish you could have seen the look on her face it was priceless.  the baby took the picture and stared at it and got a small smile on his face.

Elder Moss and I are doing okay.  We are getting many things handed to us to do and we aren't sure we can do everything.  We want to train them how to do it!  We have hopes of an internet connection in the coming weeks at which time this blog will be every week.  We have lost our camera so there are no pictures this time.  It is very very hot here at times..42c  I think that is over a hundred.  But we do get some wonderful thunder storms with buckets of rain coming down.

We are just like those missionaries waiting for their phone calls at christmas ..only we are waiting for emails...
Love Elder and Sister Moss

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog posts! What an incredible adventure...those people are so blessed to have you.
